Complete Database Expert Registration

Register as an expert in our network and build your career, offering answers to companies around the world by sharing your knowledge and insight.

Please enter your email (work/personal), so we can follow up with you.
Pleaase include your country code.
Hold CTRL for multiple selection.
In a short paraghraph. let us know about your skills and experience.
We think this way we can get a broader picture about you.
If you have one, please provide your LinkedIn public profile URL.
GXG - Expert Agreement.
This Agreement between you and Geller Experts Group (GXG) governs your relationship as an Expert with GXG and our clients. You agree to join our Expert Platform consisting of professionals who have specialized knowledge in a particular area and who are willing to provide insights to us and our clients such as consultations and participation in surveys (Projects).
No Conflicts.
You agree that you are not restricted from participating in our Expert Platform by a legal, employment, contractual, fiduciary, non-disclosure or other agreement or obligation you have, and you have obtained necessary approvals from your employer or others to enable you to participate as an Expert with us.
You agree you are participating in our Expert Platform in your personal capacity and you are expressing your own views and opinions.
You understand you are free to decline any Project and you will not accept any Project that might be a conflict of interest, would violate a law, or relate to any matters or entities you are restricted from discussing.
If you are an investment advisor, broker, financial services professional, you agree not to give investment advice, rate, or recommend a security during a Project. If you are a scientist, researcher, doctor, nurse or other medical professional, you agree not to discuss non-public clinical trials, FDA processes or other non-public knowledge related to any clinical trials, and you will not offer medical advice. If you are an accountantor auditor, you agree not to discuss your current clients or clients audited within the past 12 months. You agree not to discuss accounting or finance issues relating to your current employer or give any accounting advice. If you are an attorney, you will not give legal advice or establish an attorney client relationship. If you are a government official, you will not discuss legislation, regulation, policy, contracts or business you can voteon or otherwise influence.If you are an officer, director, or executive of a company, you agree not to consult when an IPO, merger, or tender offer is pending.
You agree to provide GXG with accurate, current information about your education, employment and expertise, and to update this information with us in a timely manner.
You agree that you will not provide false or misleading information to us or our clients.
You represent that you have never been convicted of, pled guilty to, or admitted to committing a felony or an offense involving dishonesty.
You agree that the compensation we pay you is solely for the expertise and opinions that you render during a Project.
You agree you are not an GXG employee, rather, are an independent consultant who shall comply with applicable tax, withholding, reporting and other regulatory obligations.